[LC 1025] Sub. Code: 4731
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Final Year
February 2013
Paper I – Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing
Q.P. Code : 664731
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
I. Essays: (2X20=40)
1. Define post partum hemorrhage and list down the causes
b) Explain the management of post partum hemorrhage including nursing management
2. Describe physiology of normal puerperium and its management
II. Write Short Notes on : (8X 5 = 40)
1. Outcomes of tubal pregnancy
2. Polyhydramnios
3. Habitual abortion
4. Episiotomy
5. Photo therapy
6. Family welfare program
7. Cord prolapsed
8. Post partum depression
III. Short Answers Questions: (10X 2 = 20)
1. Methods of expulsion of placenta
2. Advantages of ventouse over forceps
3. Nidation
4. Define normal labour
5. Define puerperium
6. Lie
7. Types of breech presentation
8. What is macrosomia
9. Abnormalities
10. Difference between antepartum hemorrhage and post partum hemorrhage
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